Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Measuring with finger Knitting

If you have been reading my blog lately I mentioned something about Finger Knitting. In maths later that week we got our Finger knitting and did a poster about it. I measured my finger knitting and it was 3.01 meters. We had to get an A3 sheet of paper and write down the measurement and things that we measured with it. I measured the height of the whiteboard and I helped my friend measure the width of the door and the white board too.


Unknown said...

I love finger knitting too. Get Ellen to show you how to fingerknit using 4 fingers - it looks really amazing, and if you use funky wool, you can use it as a scarf.

Turning Japanese said...

Don't forget to add tags or labels to you posts so I can find them more easily!
Keep up the blogging in the holidays if you have the time or the internet!